1. 苦海無涯,惟有向善。
2. 放下屠刀,立地成佛。
3. 救人一命,勝造七級浮屠。
4. 菩提本自心,靜心即明理。
5. 眾生本善良,魔鬼在其心。
6. 知足為天下之貴。
7. 佛曰:愛如錦帶行人 tributary of a river of affection.
8. 救人如濟船 but boat on the river of life.
9. 貪嗔痴念三毒門 the three gates of sin.
10. 佛曰:不可說 the unspeakable.
11. 忍辱第一種智慧 the first kind of wisdom is patience.
12. 忍得一分清淨,得一分福緣。 to bear one's pain with tolerance brings you one stroke of luck and purity.
13. 心無怖態,常修善法,自得安樂。 a heart without fear cultivates good deeds, and brings inner peace and happiness.
14. 以戒為師,恆持佛戒,得生梵天。 the precepts are our teachers; maintain them persistently, and you may attain heaven.
15. 行善修身,因果不昧。 doing good turns good to you.
16. 心無偏邪之念,方得正果。 without a single thought of partiality, you may attain the right fruit of your labor.
17. 知足常樂,能忍自安。 the more content you are, the happier you will be; the more you can endure, the more at peace you will be.
18. 勿以善小而不為,勿以惡小而為之。 never neglect small kindnesses, and never do small evil deeds.
19. 忍耐能化解一切痛苦。 patience can overcome all kinds of pain.
20. 善待他人,就是善待自己。 treating others well is the same as treating yourself well.