

* 真正的友情,不是花言巧語,而是關鍵時刻拉你的那隻手。 True friendship is not smooth talking and rhetoric, but pulling you hand in critical moments.

* 友情就像一杯濃郁的咖啡,真誠就是它的糖分。Friendship is like a strong cup of coffee with sincerity being its sugar.

* 真正的朋友不分你高我低,互相幫助著前進,漸行漸遠也能越走越近。True friends don't differentiate between themselves, they help each other progress and can become closer even as they grow apart.

* 真正的朋友即使很久沒見,但再見面依然如故。A true friend is like a second skin, even if it has been a long time between meetings, it still feels like old times.

* 友情不是一幕短暫的煙火,而是一幅真心的畫卷。Friendship is not a momentary flash in the pan, but a heartfelt painting.

* 友情是和誠信相連的,因為友誼不是掛在嘴上,而是行動在里。Friendship is connected with honesty because friendship is not just talked about, but practiced within.
