1. 「願你二人如彩虹,常伴清晨之光;亦如月亮之光,永不消失。」
"May you two be like a rainbow, always accompanied by the morning light, and like the light of the moon, never fade."
2. 「願你的婚姻如初春的早晨,充滿希望和活力。」
"May your marriage be like the early spring morning, full of hope and vitality."
3. 「願你們的生活充滿愛,猶如美妙的旋律。」
"May your life together be filled with love, just like a beautiful melody."
4. 「願你們在彼此的陪伴中,走過人生的每一步。」
"May you walk every step of life together, under each other's companionship."
5. 「願你們的愛情永恆如海,相伴到老。」
"May your love last forever like the sea, companionship until the end."
6. 「願你們的生活充滿歡笑,互相扶持,直到世界的盡頭。」
"May your life together be filled with laughter, supporting each other until the end of the world."
7. 「願你們在婚姻的旅程中,無論風雨,始終相伴。」
"May you two always stay together in your marriage journey, no matter the storms and rain."
8. 「祝福你們的婚姻如同聖經中的婚約,堅固而美好。」
"Bless your marriage like the covenant in the Bible, strong and beautiful."