

Abstract: As higher education continues to develop and expand, the phenomenon of "大四空巢" has become increasingly common in recent years. This term refers to a group of college students who are far away from home during their final year of undergraduate study, leaving their parents and other family members behind. This paper explores the reasons for this phenomenon and discusses its impact on these students' mental health, interpersonal relationships, and career development.

Introduction: At the end of every academic year, many college students start to embark on a new journey of exploration and self-discovery. However, for some students, this journey may take them away from home for the first time in their lives. This group of students, known as "大四空巢" or "empty nesters", are often left behind with their parents and other family members, causing a unique emotional and psychological burden.

Reasons: The reasons for this phenomenon are multifaceted and include various factors such as the increasing cost of higher education, the pressure of career development, and the need for independent living skills. With the rise in tuition fees, many families struggle to bear the financial burden of sending their children to college. Therefore, they often encourage their children to stay away from home for their final year of study to reduce expenses. Additionally, many students seek opportunities for internships or work experiences during this period, which often require them to stay away from home.

Impacts: The impact of this phenomenon on these students' mental health is significant. Many students experience homesickness and loneliness, which can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Furthermore, these students may struggle with interpersonal relationships due to the lack of family support and social networks.

Moreover, career development is also affected by this phenomenon. Many employers prefer to hire graduates who have gained practical work experience through internships or voluntary work during their final year of study. Therefore, staying away from home during this period may give students a competitive edge in finding job opportunities.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the phenomenon of "大四空巢" has become a common phenomenon in recent years. It has numerous impacts on the mental health, interpersonal relationships, and career development of these students. Therefore, it is essential for universities and families to provide support and guidance to these students to help them overcome these challenges and achieve their full potential.

Keywords:大四空巢, 心理健康, 家庭支持, 職業發展
