

Once upon a time in the past, there was a beautiful young woman named Meng Jiangnv. She lived in a small village in the northern part of China. One day, her husband, Meng Chang, went to work in a distant city. However, he did not return home after several days, and Meng Jiangnv became worried and anxious.

Meng Jiangnv waited for her husband for months, but he still did not come back. She decided to travel to the city to find him. On her journey, she encountered many difficulties and hardships, but she never gave up hope.

Finally, she reached the city and found that her husband had been forced to work in a construction site because of bad weather conditions. She wept and cried inconsolably when she saw him, and she begged the officials to let her join him in his work site.

After a while, Meng Jiangnv found out that her husband had died while working on the construction site. She was heartbroken and lost all hope. However, she decided to use her own labor to pay tribute to her husband by building a wall with bricks and stones.

During the construction process, Meng Jiangnv heard the cries of workers who were suffering from hunger and cold. She donated her own money and food to help them, and she also taught them how to cook healthy and delicious food.

After a long period of time, the wall was completed, and it became a symbol of unity and hard work for the local people. In the end, the wall became a historical monument, and people still talk about it today.

This is the story of Meng Jiangnv, a beautiful and strong woman who showed great courage and determination in the face of hardships and difficulties. She taught people how to be compassionate and help each other in times of need.
