
以下是一篇學測英文作文的範本,題目為「How to improve our study ability」。

[題目]:How to improve our study ability

[引言]:Study ability is the essential skill we need to acquire to succeed in life. With the rapid development of technology and society, the importance of having a good study ability has become even more apparent. However, many people still struggle to improve their study ability. In this essay, I will discuss some effective ways to improve our study ability.


1. Planning and Organizing: It is crucial to plan and organize our study time effectively. We should prioritize our tasks, break them down into smaller manageable tasks, and schedule our study time effectively. This will help us avoid procrastination and stay on track.

2. Learning Methods: It is essential to choose effective learning methods. There are various learning methods such as audio learning, visual learning, and active learning. We should identify our learning style and use it to our advantage.

3. Reading and Thinking: Reading books and articles related to our studies can help us develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter. We should also practice critical thinking and ask ourselves questions to improve our understanding and retention of information.

4. Studying Habits: Establishing good studying habits is essential for improving our study ability. We should create a routine that includes regular study time, breaks, and self-evaluation. This will help us stay focused and avoid burnout.

5. Mental Stress Management: Managing mental stress is crucial for improving our study ability. We should learn to relax and avoid getting overwhelmed by stressful situations. We can also practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and yoga to reduce stress levels.


In conclusion, improving our study ability is not only essential for academic success but also for personal development and happiness. By adopting effective strategies such as planning and organizing, learning methods, reading and thinking, studying habits, and mental stress management, we can improve our study ability and achieve our goals.
