


1. 掩耳盜鈴:Covering one's ears to hide a bell (Do not try to solve a problem that others cannot hear because it is not your problem)

英文:Don't try to solve a problem that others cannot hear because it is not your problem.

2. 狐假虎威:A fox deceives a tiger to bully others (Use others' power to intimidate others)

英文:A fox uses the power of a tiger to intimidate others

3. 井底之蛙:A frog living in a well knows nothing about the outside world (Be limited by one's own experience and knowledge)

英文:A frog in a well knows nothing about the outside world

4. 畫蛇添足:Drawing legs on a snake (Doing more than necessary)

英文:Drawing legs on a snake (Excessive effort)

5. 守株待兔:Waiting for rabbits to come and eat from a tree stump (Depend on luck and not work hard)

英文:Waiting for rabbits to come and eat from a stump of a tree (Depend on luck)

