

1. 寂寞的人總是記得過去的溫馨日子。

Lonely people always remember the happy days in the past.

2. 我總是決定不了,就算沿路都是風景,我有多心動,我知道,但我也知道,自己一直知道,都還是不敢踏出那一步。

I always can't make a decision. Even if the scenery is beautiful along the way, how much I am tempted, I know, but I also know that I have always known, but still dare not take the first step.

3. 我總是等待著到最後一天,想讓最後一天像一個奇蹟。

I always wait until the last day, hoping that the last day will be a miracle.

4. 有些事情,你知道或不知道,它都會發生。

Some things will happen whether you know it or not.

5. 我不想一昧追求外表的美,因為我更需要來自心靈的美好。

I don't just want to pursue beauty from the outside, because what I need more is the beauty from the heart.

6. 我一直以為我們就是這一直走下去的,就像你說的不會分開。

I always thought we would keep walking together, just like you said we wouldn't part ways.

7. 我只是個孩子,為什麼你要讓我承受這麼多。

I'm just a child, why do you make me bear so much?

