

1. "感恩是精神上的一種寶藏。" - 尼采

譯:Gratitude is a spiritual treasure.

2. "感恩是生活的大智慧。" - 佚名

譯:Gratitude is the great wisdom of life.

3. "感恩是人與外界、人與內心世界的橋樑,是連線人與人之間的紐帶。" - 佚名

譯:Gratitude is the bridge between the external and internal world, and the connection between individuals.

4. "知恩圖報是一種美好的品德。" - 孔子

譯:Knowing to be grateful and striving to repay is a beautiful virtue.

5. "人生在世,每天都會接受恩惠,而我們需要銘記於心,時刻懷有感恩之情。" - 佚名

譯:In this life, we are constantly receiving blessings every day, and we need to remember and always have gratitude in our hearts.

6. "我們要有一顆感恩的心,珍惜身邊的每一個人、每一件事,用一顆感恩的心去對待他人,我們的生活將會變得更加美好。" - 佚名

譯:We should have a grateful heart, cherish every person and thing around us, and treat others with an attitude of gratitude. Our lives will become more beautiful.
