
扎心語錄的英文是piercing heart quotations


* 真正的失望不是怒罵,不是嚎啕大哭,也不是沖你發脾氣,而是沉默不語,是你做什麼我都覺得和我再也沒有任何關係。 When true disappointment occurs, it is not to shout or weep loudly or lose my temper with you. It is silent and indifferent. Everything you do seems to have nothing to do with me.* 一切總會好的。時間治癒一切。時間久了,那些痛苦也就習慣了,也就放下了。 Everything will be alright in the end. Time cures everything. After a while, those who suffer will become accustomed to it and let go.。
