* 不要垂頭喪氣,即使失去了一切,明天,太陽還會照樣升起。Don't hang your head in dejection. Even if you lose everything, the sun will rise as usual tomorrow. *
* 振作起來,勇敢地面對生活。Pick yourself up and face life bravely. *
* 如果你感到沮喪或失去勇氣,記住振作起來。If you feel down or lose your courage, remember to pick yourself up. *
* 人生沒有過不去的坎,只要肯努力,就一定能夠振作起來。There is no problem in life that cannot be overcome as long as you are willing to try and persevere. *
* 當你感到沮喪時,振作起來!When you feel down, pick yourself up! *
* 振作精神,勇往直前。 pep up your spirit and forge ahead. *
* 不要讓失敗擊敗你,振作起來!Don't let failure beat you up, pick yourself up! *