

1. 早日康復,願健康與你同在。

Get well soon, may health be by your side.

2. 身體康復,一切都好。

Get well soon, everything will be fine.

3. 願你早日康復,精神煥發。

I hope you get better soon and feel refreshed.

4. 早日康復回家,一切都會好起來的。

Get well soon and return home, everything will be alright.

5. 祝你早日康復,笑容滿面。

I hope you get better soon and smile again.

6. 願你早日恢復健康,重新開始新生活。

May you recover your health soon and start a new life.

7. 照顧好自己,我會一直關心你的。

Take good care of yourself, I will keep關心你。

8. 希望你的病痛早日消失,健康回歸。

I hope your pain disappears soon and your health returns.

9. 願你早日戰勝病魔,身體健康。

I hope you overcome the illness soon and regain your health.

10. 希望你的病情早日好轉,笑容再次綻放。

I hope your illness gets better soon and your smile returns.
