

1. 開篇:描述故事的背景和主人公,為故事定下基調。

2. 發展:描述主人公面對的挑戰或問題,以及他們如何解決它。

3. 高潮:故事在此時達到最激烈的動情節,常常涉及到重要的道德、情感或心理挑戰。

4. 轉折:在故事的高潮部分出現一個意想不到的反轉,打破原有的故事情節。

5. 結尾:在結束或重新的啟始之時,結束故事並讓讀者有回味無窮的感覺。


Story Structure:

1. Opening: Introduce the setting and main character, establish the tone of the story.

2. Development: Describe the challenges faced by the protagonist and how they overcome them.

3. Crest: The story reaches its peak, involving significant moral, emotional, or psychological struggles.

4. Turning Point: An unexpected twist occurs at the climax of the story, breaking the storyline.

5. Closure: When everything is over and a new beginning is about to begin, end the story and leave the reader with a lingering feeling.

