

1. "祝你們愛情永恆,新婚快樂!" - May your love forever be with each other and may your marriage be filled with joy!

2. "願你們的婚姻如同美麗的花園,繁榮昌盛,和諧幸福!" - May your marriage be as beautiful as a garden filled with bloom and prosperity, harmony and happiness!

3. "祝你們新婚快樂,白頭偕老,幸福美滿!" - May you have a happy new marriage, grow old together, and live a fulfilling life!

4. "願你們的婚姻像一首美妙的歌曲,永遠和諧動聽!" - May your marriage be like a beautiful song that never ends, filled with harmony and melody!

5. "祝你們新婚愉快,百年好合!" - May you have a wonderful start to your marriage and may you both live a hundred years together!

