1. 祝你新年快樂,萬事如意。 Wishing you a happy new year and everything goes well.
2. 希望新的一年,我們都能夢想成真。 I hope that in the new year, both of us can realize our dreams.
3. 新年快樂,笑口常開。 Happy new year and smile always.
4. 新年祝福你,幸福快樂和你永遠相伴。 Wishing you happiness and joy during the new year.
5. 新年快樂,身體健康,萬事勝意。 Happy new year and good health, everything is better than before.
6. 願你在新的一年裡平安快樂,事業有成。 May you have a safe and happy new year and success in your career.
7. 新年快樂,笑口常開,好運連連。 Happy new year, always smiling and good luck.
8. 新年到了,祝你一切順心如意。 Wishing you everything goes well during the new year.
9. 願你在新的一年裡笑口常開,幸福美滿。 May you always have a smile on your face and happiness in your life during the new year.