1. Believe in yourself,你也會變成超人。
2. Courage is not the absence of fear,而要在恐懼中堅持下去。
3. Life is full of setbacks, keep moving forward,它不總是一帆風順的。
4. Happiness is a journey, not a destination,幸福是一個旅程,不是目的地。
5. If you miss the sunshine when it rains,那麼你就是最幸福的。
6. In this world, nothing is impossible,只要你想做,就沒有做不到的事。
7. Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds,保持腳踏實地,保持夢想。
8. Life is like a box of chocolates,你永遠不知道下一個會是什麼味道。
9. Love yourself first,然後才是別人。
10. No pain, no gain,不勞無獲。
11. Success is not the key to happiness, but it is one of the keys。成功並不是通往幸福的唯一道路,但它確實是一條捷徑。