


職位:Shipping Operations Clerk

Description: As a Shipping Operations Clerk, you will be responsible for assisting the shipping department with daily operations. This includes handling incoming and outgoing documents, tracking orders, and providing customer service support. You will work closely with other team members to ensure smooth and efficient operations.


* Assist with the processing of incoming and outgoing documents

* Track and manage shipment orders

* Provide customer service support, including responding to inquiries and resolving issues

* Maintain accurate records and reports

* Collaborate with other team members to ensure efficient operations

* Adhere to company policies and procedures


* Proficient in MS Office software, especially Excel

* Ability to handle multiple tasks and prioritize efficiently

* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

* Good organizational skills and attention to detail

* Basic knowledge of shipping procedures and terminology

作為海運操作文員,你將負責協助部門處理日常操作事務,包括檔案整理、訂單跟蹤、客戶服務等。你需要與團隊成員密切合作,確保操作流程的順暢和高效。如果你具備以下能力和素質,那麼你很可能是一名合適的人選:熟練掌握MS Office軟體,特別是Excel;能夠處理多項任務並有效地安排優先權;優秀的溝通和人際交往能力;良好的組織能力和關注細節的能力;對航運程式和術語有基本了解。
