

1. "Cherish every moment, every breath, because they are all part of your life."(珍惜每一刻,每一次呼吸,因為它們都是你生命的一部分。)

2. "Value what you have, for it may be taken from you, but what you value is yours forever."(珍惜你所擁有的,因為它可能會被奪走,但你珍惜的東西永遠屬於你。)

3. "Rarely do we stop to smell the roses, but they are worth taking the time for."(我們很少會停下來欣賞玫瑰,但它們是值得花時間去欣賞的。)

4. "The most precious thing in life is not material things, but time shared with those we love."(生命中最珍貴的東西不是物質,而是與所愛之人共享的時光。)

5. "Be grateful for what you have and what you've got, because you never know when it might all be taken away."(珍惜你所擁有的一切,因為你永遠不知道它什麼時候會被奪走。)

6. "Time is a luxury that we all have too little of, so don't let it pass without leaving a lasting memory."(時間是我們每個人都擁有的太少的一種奢侈品,所以不要讓它在沒有留下永恆記憶的情況下溜走。)

7. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get, but make sure to savor every moment."(生活就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道會得到什麼,但一定要珍惜每一個時刻。)
