

* Life has no meaning without a person's firm belief and pursuit.(人的生命如果沒有堅定的信念和不懈的追求,就毫無意義。)* Life is like a journey, the meaning of which is to serve as an example and inspiration for others.(生命就像一場旅行,其意義就在於為他人提供借鑑和激勵。)* Life is not about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.(生命的意義不在於如何熬過風暴,而在於如何在雨中跳舞。)* Life is like a flower that bloomed and faded, but the beauty it left behind is forever.(生命就像一朵花,綻放時的美麗與凋謝後的余香,都是永恆的。)* Life's purpose is not to make money or achieve success, but to love and be loved, to learn and grow, and to make a difference.(生命的意義不在於掙錢或成功,而在於愛與被愛,學習與成長,以及做出不同的貢獻。)* Life is not about where we end up, but about the journey along the way.(生命的意義不在於我們最終到達了哪裡,而在於沿途的風景和經歷。)
