

* 願你如陽光般明媚,生命燦爛輝煌!Happy birthday to you!

* 願你的每一個今天都充滿快樂,願你的每一個明天都比今天更美好!Wishing you happiness on your birthday and a day that is even better than today!

* 生日快樂,願你今後的生活一帆風順,一切如意!Happy birthday, may all your future endeavors be smooth sailing and everything go your way!

* 願你的生日充滿無窮快樂,願你的成長和努力帶來美好的未來!May your birthday be filled with endless joy, and may your growth and efforts bring a beautiful future!

* 生日快樂,願你的生命綻放出新的光芒!Happy birthday, may your life shine with new light!

* 願你的生日充滿愛和幸福,願新的一歲充滿希望和成功!Wishing you a birthday filled with love and happiness, and a new year filled with hope and success!

