Title: "Telling the Chinese Story in English"
Ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share our Chinese story with you in English. As a rising star of the global community, China has witnessed tremendous changes and achievements over the past few decades. But what is it that makes China unique? What is it that makes Chinese people unique?
To answer these questions, let me share with you a few examples.
First, we have the Chinese culture, which is rich and diverse, with its own unique values and traditions. From Confucianism to Taoism, from Chinese painting to calligraphy, from traditional music to martial arts, Chinese culture has left a profound imprint on the world.
Second, we have the Chinese people, who are hardworking, diligent, and optimistic. They have overcome many challenges and difficulties to achieve remarkable progress in various fields, including technology, economy, and society.
Third, we have the Chinese government's commitment to social justice and environmental protection. China has made great strides in reducing poverty and improving living standards for its citizens while also safeguarding the environment and promoting sustainable development.
Now, let me ask you: What makes these stories so special? It is their authenticity, their universality, their ability to inspire and motivate people from all walks of life. When we tell our story in English, we aim to convey these values and messages to a wider audience, to inspire them to learn more about China and its people.
In conclusion, China is a country with a rich history and culture, a hardworking and optimistic people, and a government that is committed to social justice and environmental protection. When we tell our story in English, we aim to inspire others to learn more about China and its people, so that we can all come together and create a better world. Thank you for listening.