神的愛perhaps love詩歌

《神的愛Perhaps Love》是一首詩歌,以下是其中的部分內容:

Perhaps love is like a dream

That seems so real, yet flees

Yet in our hearts, we know

It's something real and true

And though it may fade

It leaves a lasting glow

Perhaps love is like a song

That seems so sweet and far away

Yet when we hear it, we know

It's something that we'll always know

And though it may fade

It leaves a lasting melody

Perhaps love is like a rainbow

That appears after the storm

When all is grey and cold

Its brightness shows that God is good

And though we may never see it again

We feel the beauty forever in our soul.


以上就是【神的愛perhaps love詩歌】的相關內容,敬請閱讀。