

1. 太陽穴 (Taiyang point) - this point is located on the side of the head and is usually stimulated by a firm massage to relieve headaches or migraine. It is commonly known as "Temple" in English.

2. 印堂穴 (Yin Tang point) - this point is located at the middle of the forehead and is used to clear the mind and relax the body.

3. 中脘穴 (Zhong Wan point) - this point is located in the center of the stomach and is used to regulate digestion and improve appetite.

4. 足三里穴 (Zu San Li point) - this point is located on the lower legs and is known for its benefits in nourishing the body and strengthening the immune system.

5. 合谷穴 (He Gu point) - this point is located on the hands or feet and is known for its benefits in relieving pain, improving digestion, and regulating blood sugar levels.

