
一分鐘英文故事:The Little Match Girl

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to play in the street with her matches. One cold winter night, she was walking home from school when she found a box of matches in the snow. She lit one and held it in her hand, walking along the street.

As she walked, she struck another match and lit it, too. She continued to do this, one after another, until she had used up all her matches. Suddenly, she saw a little matchstick moving along the ground. She followed it and found a little girl standing by a fire. She recognized the little girl as the same one who had played with her matches earlier that day.

The two girls played together by the fire for a while before the Little Match Girl had to go home. She promised the other girl she would come back the next day and they would play again. As she walked away, she realized that she had learned an important lesson that day: that warmth and comfort could be found in the smallest things.

