
故事標題: The Adventures of a Little Stone

Once upon a time, there was a little stone that lived in a quiet valley. He was the smallest stone in the valley, and he dreamed of seeing the world outside. One day, while he was skipping along the stream, he heard a voice say, "If you want to see the world, you must jump over the river."

The little stone was intrigued and decided to follow the voice's advice. He jumped over the river and landed on a path. He looked around and saw that he had traveled far from his valley. He met many new friends along the way, including a butterfly, a bird, and a flower.

One day, he came across a group of stones that were arguing about which was the tallest. The little stone didn't want to argue, so he decided to show them all that he could jump higher than anyone else. He leaped into the air and cleared all of their heads. They were amazed and declared him the tallest stone in the valley.

After this adventure, the little stone realized that he had traveled far and had learned valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and determination. He knew that he would never be satisfied just sitting in his valley, and he wanted to keep exploring the world.

The story ends with the little stone waving goodbye to his friends and continuing on his adventures, never letting his dreams be small again.

