

1. Why don't birds wear pants?

答: Because it's hard for them to find the pants that fit. (為什麼鳥兒不穿褲子?因為它們很難找到適合它們的褲子。)

2. How many wings does a wasp have?

答: Two. One to fly and one to get stung. (黃蜂有幾隻翅膀?答:兩隻。一隻用來飛,一隻用來被蟄。)

3. What did one wall say to the other wall?

答: "I'm curved like me!" (一面牆對另一面牆說什麼?答: "我彎曲得像我!")

4. A scientist went to a party to find a bacterium, because he wanted to ask it about evolution.

答:一位科學家參加了一個派對,想找到一種細菌向他詢問進化論。 (笑話點:科學家可能期待一種比較高級別的生物來討論進化論,但實際上他找到的只是一種細菌。)

5. Can a tree fall in the forest?

答: Yes, if there is no one around to hear it. (樹在森林裡會發出聲音嗎?答:是的,如果周圍沒有人聽到的話。)

