1. 教育者,非為已往,非為現在,而專為將來。
The educator is not concerned with the past or the present, but solely with the future.
2. 欲看學術之能否昌明,觀其學校是否發達,即可斷定其國家、社會之進步與否。
To see whether academic research will prosper, we can observe the development of education in a country, and determine whether its society will progress.
3. 盡責最樂。
The greatest happiness is to fulfill one's responsibilities.
4. 欲造國民幸福之世界,當從造國民幸福之自己做起。
To create a world of happiness for the people requires starting with creating happiness for oneself as a citizen.
5. 所謂健全的人格,內分四育,即:(一)體育,(二)智育,(三)德育,(四)美育。
The so-called healthy personality is divided into four aspects: (1) Physical education, (2) intellectual education, (3) moral education, and (4) aesthetic education.