

1. 生命就像一盒朱古力。

Life is like a box of chocolates.

2. 人生就像一場戲,我們都是演員。

Life is like a play, we are all actors.

3. 人生沒有彩排,每一天都是現場直播。

There is no dress rehearsal in life, every day is a live broadcast.

4. 人生沒有如果,只有後果和結果。

There is no "if" in life, only consequences and outcomes.

5. 凡事靠自己,靠自己最踏實。

Everything depends on oneself, being self-reliant is the most solid.

6. 忍一時風平浪靜,退一步海闊天空。

Endure for a while and everything will calm down, take a step back and the world will be wider.

7. 只有行動才能說明一切。

Actions speak louder than words.

8. 世界是公平的,只是有些人看不到機會。

The world is fair, it's just that some people don't see the opportunities.

9. 只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針。

If you put in the effort, even a metal rod can be turned into a needle.

10. 人無完人,金無足赤。

No one is perfect, and no gold is pure gold.
