1. 不要把別人的傷害,成為自己的困擾。
Don't let the pain of others become your own worry.
2. 活在當下,就是對自己最好的獎賞。
Living in the present moment is the best reward for yourself.
3. 微笑可以化解一切煩惱。
A smile can solve all kinds of troubles.
4. 心靈是需要滋潤的,煩惱是心靈缺乏滋潤的表現。
The mind needs to be nourished, and troubles are a manifestation of lack of nourishment.
5. 善良的行為和良好的心態,都是一種能量,會吸引更多的美好。
Kind actions and good attitudes are forms of energy that attract more goodness.
6. 接納自己,欣賞自己,是走向幸福的重要一步。
Accepting yourself and appreciating yourself is an important step towards happiness.
7. 放下過去的煩惱,放下未來的憂慮,活在當下,就是最好的生活。
Let go of past troubles, future worries, and live in the present moment, it is the best way to live.