

* 實現明天的唯一障礙是今天的疑慮。

The only obstacle to achieving tomorrow is doubt in today.

* 夢是心靈的思想,是我們的秘密真情。

Dreams are the thoughts of the soul, are our secret truth.

* 夢想家命長,實幹家命短。

Dreamers live long, but doers live short.

* 夢想只要能持久,就能成為現實。我們不就是生活在夢想中的嗎?

As long as the dream can last, it can become a reality. Don't we all live in dreams?

* 我們唯一不會改正的缺點是軟弱。

The only fault we never correct is weakness.

* 有時你的夢想達到是一種幸福,有時夢想破滅也是一種幸福。

Sometimes reaching your dream is a kind of happiness, while sometimes bursting out the dream is also a kind of happiness.

