* 縱然有百萬個理由離開你,我也會尋找一個理由為你留下。 I will find a reason to stay for you, even if there are a million reasons to leave you. * 我希望睡前最後看到的是你。 I hope to see you before I fall asleep.
* 陪伴是最長情的告白。 Company is the longest confession of love.
* 陪伴是最深情的告白,最長久的幸福。 Company is the deepest confession of love, the longest happiness.
* 陪伴是最長情的告白,廝守是最長久的答案。 Being by your side is the longest confession of love, being together is the most lasting answer.
* 願得一人心,白首不相離。 My wish is to find a person who will love me unconditionally until we are old and gray.