

* Wishing you a wonderful start to every day in the year of the Rooster. Happy Chinese New Year! 祝你新的一年每一天都精彩,新年快樂!

* Take care of yourself and may our paths cross again soon. 保重,願我們不久後能再次相遇。

* Goodbye means see you later. 再見意味著再見了。

* Take care and stay safe. Goodbye. 保重,一路平安。再見了。

* Wishing you a journey filled with happiness and fulfillment, and the knowledge that you have touched at least one life along the way. 祝福你的旅程充滿了幸福和充實,而且你知道你在旅途中至少觸動過一個人的生命。

* I will miss you very much. Take care and God bless you! 我會非常想念你的,保重,上帝保佑你!

* Wishing you all the best, joy and happiness through your New Year! 祝願你新的一年裡一切都好,充滿歡樂和幸福!

* Hope to see you again! 希望我們能再見面!

