* 離別,是為了更好的相遇。 Leave是為了更好的相遇。
* 離別,是為了更好的重逢。 See you again, for better future. 離別,是為了更好的重逢。
* 人生就像一場旅行,我們不斷地離別,又不斷地相遇。 Life is like a journey, we constantly say goodbye and meet again.
* 離別時不要說反悔,因為再無相見之日。 Don't say sorry when saying goodbye, because there will be no meeting again.
* 你的離開,是我成功的第一步。 Your departure is the first step towards my success.
* 離別時,但願那片風中的葉子,能再次舞動。 Goodbye, I hope that the leaf in the wind can once again dance.
* 願你走出半生,歸來仍是少年;願你前程似錦,繁花似錦。 May you leave behind half a life and return as a young man, may you have a brilliant future with flowers blooming.