

* Best wishes for a new journey and a wonderful future. Thank you for your dedication.(祝你有新的旅程,有美好的未來。感謝你的付出。)

* Take care, stay well, and enjoy every moment of your new adventure.(保重,身體健康,並且享受你新冒險的每一刻。)

* Wishing you a prosperous and fulfilling new journey ahead.(祝願你前程似錦,新的旅程充實而順利。)

* Wishing you all the best in your new role.(祝你在新的角色中一切順利。)

* Thank you for your dedication and best wishes for your future.(感謝你的付出,祝你前程似錦。)

* May all the best moments and memories follow you on your new journey.(願你新旅程的每時每刻和記憶都是美好的。)

* Best regards for your future endeavors. May all the good things come your way.(祝你未來的奮鬥取得成功,願美好的事物都降臨在你身上。)

* Wishing you all the happiness in your new journey ahead. May it be filled with joy and success.(祝你新旅程中的所有幸福,願它充滿歡樂和成功。)

