1. 偉大的心胸,應該表現出這樣的氣概——用笑臉來迎接悲慘的厄運,用百倍的勇氣來應付一切——魯迅
"Great minds should display such courage - to greet tragic misfortunes with a smile, and to cope with all with tenfold courage." - Lu Xun
2. 時間就像海綿里的水,只要願擠,總還是有的。——魯迅
"Time is like water in a sponge, it is always there as long as you are willing to squeeze it." - Lu Xun
3. 哪裡有天才,我是把別人喝咖啡的工夫都用在工作上的。——魯迅
"Where is the天才, I used to work when others drink coffee." - Lu Xun
4. 自由固不是錢所能買到的,但能夠為錢而賣掉。——魯迅
"Freedom is not something that can be bought with money, but can be sold for money." - Lu Xun
5. 必須敢於正視,這才可望敢想、敢說、敢做、敢當。——魯迅
"One must dare to face reality, in order to hope for thinking, speaking, doing and taking responsibility." - Lu Xun