
"The Story of Birds and Geese" in English:

Once upon a time, there were two birds and two geese who lived in a forest. They were best friends and often played together. One day, the birds and geese were flying over the forest when they saw a beautiful lake. They decided to land and have a swim. As they were swimming, they noticed that one of the geese was having trouble swimming. They quickly swam over to help her.

Afterwards, the birds and geese continued to play and have fun together. They realized that they were all friends, no matter what their differences were. From then on, they swam, flew, and played together every day, and their friendship grew stronger with each passing day.

This story teaches us that we should not judge people based on their differences, but rather accept them for who they are and appreciate their unique qualities. We should always be willing to help others in need, no matter who they are.
