
2012學測英文作文題目是 "When is it okay to lie?",以下是我提供的範文:

When is it okay to lie?

In today's fast-paced society, we encounter many situations where it may seem acceptable to tell a white lie. Whether it's to avoid hurting someone's feelings or to save face, lies are often used to smooth over uncomfortable situations. However, there is a fine line between what is considered acceptable and what crosses into unethical behavior.

It is important to weigh the consequences of each lie carefully. If the lie does not harm anyone else, it may be acceptable. However, if the lie could have negative consequences for others, such as causing confusion or distress, then it may be best to stick to the truth.

Furthermore, it is crucial to always remember that lies never come out completely unscathed. They often lead to more trouble down the road, whether it's guilt or retractions later on. Therefore, it is best to be honest and forthcoming with others from the get-go.

Ultimately, it is always best to avoid telling a lie whenever possible. Instead, strive to be transparent and trustworthy, and always aim to do what is right and fair. Remember that honesty is always the best policy, even if it means taking a little extra effort to be truthful in certain situations.

