Good things never die台詞

"Good things never die" 是一句非常經典的英文諺語,意思是"好的事物永遠不會消亡"。它鼓勵我們要有信心和勇氣,相信一切美好的事物都會持久存在,並不斷地發展和繁榮。



* "The beauty of life never dies, it just evolves and blossoms."

* "Good deeds never fade, they live on in the hearts of those who remember."

* "Your legacy never dies, it lives on in the memories of those you have touched."

這些台詞都強調了"good things never die"的觀念,鼓勵人們珍惜自己的成就和貢獻,並相信自己的價值和意義。

以上就是【Good things never die台詞】的相關內容,敬請閱讀。