Rachel carson名言
以下是 Rachel Carson 的名言:
"To him who is timid in the face of danger, or indifferent to it, nature is a mere form of sport; but to him, who in spite of his personal courage and self-confidence feels its ever present power and possibility, there is something at last real and satisfying in it all. For such as these the mystery and charm of the natural world have never yet been exhausted. Nature never wears out the admirer, he is a novelty to her forever. To the healthful and kindly influence of science on life on earth and ocean there is a pervading joy."
以上這句話的含義可能會因人而異,但它反映了 Rachel Carson 對自然和科學的熱愛和尊重。她相信科學對生活的影響是健康和友好的,並帶來持久的快樂。
以上就是【Rachel carson名言】的相關內容,敬請閱讀。