Tom hiddleston名言
Tom Hiddleston的經典名言有:
1. "Dreams are the food of heroes."(夢想是英雄的食糧。)
2. "Life is a hero's journey."(生命是一場英雄之旅。)
3. "We all have our own Stonehenge, our own unique cosmic calendar, and it's up to us to find the patterns, to follow the rhythms, to make sense of it all."(我們都有屬於自己的巨石陣,屬於自己的獨特的宇宙日曆,我們得自己去找尋其中的規律,遵循節奏,讓一切有意義。)
4. "Art is a confession of faith."(藝術是一種信仰的表白。)
5. "We all have our superpowers, it's just that some of us choose to use them for terrible things."(我們都有自己的超能力,只是我們中有些人選擇用它來做壞事。)
以上就是【Tom hiddleston名言】的相關內容,敬請閱讀。