Wonder woman金句

Wonder Woman有很多經典台詞和金句,以下是一些例子:

1. "You can't defeat me, because you don't know how to defeat a woman with a heart."(你不能打敗我,因為你不知道如何打敗一個有心的女人。)

2. "You are not alone, adversity. I am by your side."(你並不孤單,困難。我會在你身邊。)

3. "The only way to get through life is by holding on, being brave and not giving up."(生活的唯一出路就是堅持,勇敢,不放棄。)

4. "I am the goddess of Truth, Love and Justice. I will not fail."(我是真理、愛與正義的女神,我不會失敗。)

5. "We shape our own destiny."(我們塑造自己的命運。)


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