Famous sayings

Classic quotes in the Bible (5)

1. No one puts the new cloth on the old clothes. Because it was made up, the reverse belt broke the clothes, and the broken ones were even bigger. - "New · too"

2. If you have ears to listen to, you should listen. - "New · too"

3. The son of wisdom always takes wisdom. - "New · too"

4, the entrance can not be filthy, the export can be filthy. - "New · too"

5. If the blind man leads the blind man, both of them will fall into the pit. - "New · too"

6. Everything cannot stand against the truth and can only help the truth. - "New Brother"

7. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than to enter the kingdom of God. - "New · too"

8. The things of Caesar are given to Caesar, and the things of God are given to God. - "New · too"

9, do not take the appearance of people. --"Added"

10. Be a baby in a bad thing, and always be an adult in your mind. - "New Brother"

11, to renounce lies. - "New Eve"

12. If someone refuses to work, they should not eat. - "New Post Post"

13, do good deeds can not be lost. - "New Post Post"

14, the farmer of labor, should be the first to get food. - "New · Postscript"

15. Those who are self-important will be humbled, and those who are inferior will rise to high. - "New · too"

16. Wash the inside of the cup plate first, so that the outside is also clean. - "New · too"

17, the whitewashed tomb, looks good outside, but inside is filled with the bones of the dead, and all the filth. - "New · too"

18. Only those who endure to the end must be saved. - "New · too"

19, wherever there is, he will be added to him, so that he is more than enough. No, even he has to take it. - "New · too"

20, whoever moves the knife, will die under the knife. - "New · too"

21, healthy people do not need a doctor. - "New · Ke"

22. No one can enter the strong man's house to snatch his furniture. - "New · Ke"

23. The things hidden are not obvious. There are no hidden things. - "New · Ke"

24, what kind of measuring device do you use for people, and what kind of measuring device will you use, and give you more. - "New · Ke"

25, the valley is cooked, just use a sickle to cut. - "New · Ke"

26. Those who save their lives will lose their lives. - "New · Ke"

27, handsome body, naturally do not need decoration. - "New Brother"

28, not against us, is to help us. - "New · Ke"

29, the lack of limbs into eternal life, as if two hands fell to hell, into the immortal fire. - "New · Ke"

30. Leaving your legs into eternal life is as strong as having two feet thrown into hell. - "New · Ke"

31. There are many who are going to be in the future and those who are going to be in the future. - "New · Ke"

32. Whoever wants to be the leader will be the servant of all. - "New · Ke"

33. Don't treat people with violence, and don't deceive people. - "New Road"

34. How do you want people to treat you, and how do you treat others. --"new road"

35. Sinners also love those who love them. --"new road"

36. To lend people not to expect to repay. --"new road"

37. To forgive people, you will be forgiven. --"new road"

38. Don't judge people, you won't be judged. --"new road"

39. If you don’t make a crime, you will not be convicted. --"new road"

40. If you want to give it to others, you will have it for you. --"new road"

41. There is no good tree to bear bad fruit. There are no bad trees that make good fruit. --"new road"

42. Less species, less income, more variety. - "New Brother"

43. Although there are many limbs, it is still a body. - "New Brother"

44. Holding the plow and looking backwards, it is not worthy of entering the kingdom of God. --"new road"

45. It is okay for workers to get the wages. --"new road"

46. ​​Where a country competes with each other, it becomes a wasteland. Everyone who fought for oneself will be defeated. --"new road"

47. If the whole body is the eye, listen to it from there. If the whole body is the ear, smell it from there. - "New Brother"

48, human life, do not care about the rich family. --"new road"

49. Life is better than diet, and the body is better than clothes. --"new road"

50. Whoever cares, who wants more. --"new road"

51. People are faithful in the smallest things and faithful in big things. Injustice in the smallest things, not in the big things. --"new road"

52. If you see what the Father has done, the Son can do it. The things that the Father does, the Son does the same. - "New Covenant"

53. The resurrection of good deeds is born, and the resurrection of evil is condemned. - "New Covenant"

54. It is not possible to determine the right and wrong according to the appearance. It is always necessary to determine the right and wrong by fairness. - "New Covenant"

55. Don't think you are smart. --"Silla"

56. Everyone thinks that beauty is something to be done. --"Silla"

57. If you can do it, always try your best to be harmonious with everyone. --"Silla"

58. Love is not harmful to people. --"Silla"

59. Take off the acts of darkness and bring the weapons of light. --"Silla"

60, acting for people to be correct, as if walking in the day. --"Silla"

61. Don't give the brothers a lame thing. --"Silla"

62. Be sure to pursue a harmonious thing. --"Silla"

63. Be smart in good deeds and foolish in evil. --"Silla"

64, people can not deceive themselves. - "New Brother"

65, can not be boasted. - "New Brother"

66. Do not argue for words. This is not beneficial. - "New · Postscript"

67, to avoid the virtual talk of the world. - "New · Postscript"

68. The ignorant and unlearned debate must always be rejected. - "New · Postscript"

69. Building a house is more honorable than a house. --"New coming"

70. Be sure to keep your brother's love. --"New coming"

71. Confidence will be patient after trial. - "New · Ya"

72. The doubtful person, like the waves in the sea, is blown by the wind. - "New · Ya"

73. The person with two minds is not sure on the way he does everything. - "New · Ya"

74. If you put the chew ring in the horse's mouth and ask him to obey, you can mobilize his whole body. - "New · Ya"

75, the tongue is also the smallest in the body, but can speak big. - "New · Ya"

76, the smallest fire can point to the largest forest. - "New · Ya"

77. Praise and curse come out of one mouth. - "New · Ya"

78. Where is there a dispute, where is the disturbance and all kinds of bad things. - "New · Ya"

79. Although there are 10,000 masters, there are not many fathers. - "New Brother"

80, a little leaven can make the whole group start - "New · Ge Qian"

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