Fan Wen Daquan > Holiday Celebration > Spring Festival > Spring Festival Greetings

New Year greetings: 2014 sweetest horse year Chinese New Year greetings

The year is a sweet candy. The year is a colorful fireworks. The year is the moment of reunion with our parents. The year is our hard time for the family, and the New Year, bless you and your family. Years old!

The Spring Festival is over. In this year, the blessings are not good. The happiness is packed. The lyrics are caught up early. Everything is good and the body is healthy. I don’t know who was being driven, but my blessings are still sent. Happy Spring Festival!

Excuse me, I am in a hurry to send you a text message so early, I hope to forgive. Tell me if you wake up, if not, you go to sleep, if you wake up, you will go to sleep, I just want to tell you that the New Year's bell just sounded.

Use rainbow to make new clothes, use Caixia as the new year painting, use the colored pen to write the vice couplet, use the moon to make a fruit basket, make the candy with the stars, pack these new year's goods, send them to you by SMS, and wish you the Spring Festival in advance. happy!

Distance is not meant to be separated, neglecting contact does not mean forgetting, not seeing each other does not mean indifference, all because we are all living in the busy years, but I still remember you, I wish you a happy Chinese New Year!

I hope this is the first blessing you have received. It is more harmonious than me. Let me grab a sofa and sit down. If you are lyrical, let it be low-key. I am not sending a newsletter or a blessing. The Spring Festival needs happiness. You know.

At the beginning of the new year, the threshold is blessed. Zema Yang whip, the wine will spring. The world is happy, Vientiane is updated. The karaoke frequency is played, and the flowers are laughing. Look up and see hi, the horse is successful. The Spring Festival is here, I wish you a happy Spring Festival.

People in the Spring Festival are more troubled, crowded inside and outside the city, firecrackers are far away, old people and children are less likely to travel, sleep rules are strong, how can the Spring Festival be unhappy! I wish you a happy Chinese New Year!

Pull the season's hijab and pull up the little hand of the new spring. Filled with the greetings of the spring breeze, say no to the sorrow. Let go of the helplessness and shake hands with sweetness. I only hope that happiness in your life will not be enough, and happiness will be white. Happy new year.

Warm Spring Festival reminds you: 荤腥 greasy and less wonderful, the most appropriate amount of tobacco and alcohol, melons and vegetables, clearing the intestines, playing cards, mahjong should not be long, do not have speeding wine driving, family fun over the years.

Write a pair of fiery couplets with the smile of the spring breeze, cut a beautiful window grille with happy reunion, burn a bright lantern with colorful happiness, and send a blessing newsletter with warm affection. Happy new year.

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