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New Year greetings: The New Year’s greetings for the lover’s humor

The New Year is coming, and the old age is fading. The arrival of the Spring Festival, along with my blessings, full of hope and happiness, and the joy of celebrating the beginning of this new year, we shouted "Happy Chinese New Year"!

As the New Year is approaching, I will operate the stamps, postmarks, happiness as envelopes, write health, fill in happiness, add good luck, pay attention to peace, attach auspiciousness, and then put it into the sweet postbox, wishing the Spring Festival happy.

The New Year’s firecrackers are very powerful, and they have a little thoughts on you, colorful blessings spilling into your world; the greetings of the Spring Festival are full, wrapping my heavy heart, and entrusting you with the newsletter on your mobile phone; the Spring Festival is good!

New Year's to firecrackers, arched hands blessing good, body clubs and pottery, career salary is high, husband and wife dividends, brothers and wines, respect the elders to send tonics, friends and friends really lively, send the old show new look, Spring Festival music laugh every day !

New Year's arrival, Fuxing photo, send you a big red envelope, do not install gold to not install silver, the word sentence sentence table true feelings. Good luck covers you, wealth is obsessed with you, health and safety are pestering you, happiness and auspicious accompany you. Happy Spring Festival!

New Year's Day blessings, family reunion and happiness; health and happiness, more happy friends, more blessings, good luck, good luck every day; good luck and good luck, I wish you a lot of good things!

Thousands of hearts in the New Year, there are always friends to remember, difficult to live for many years of friendship, look forward to auspicious plus wishful, all kinds of wishes He Xinchun, the most sincere greetings to you, good luck from then on, happy, smooth, happy Spring Festival happy.

The sun is bathed in the woods, the sound of the water is listening to the sound of the water in the creek, I smell the breath of spring! Hey, listen, the footsteps of the Spring Festival! Time is tight, I want to send my blessings, Happy Chinese New Year, good fortune!

Thirty reunions dinner, the first day of the New Year. The second day back to her family, the third day at home. There are many happy events in the fourth day. The sixth day of the summary, the Spring Festival holiday is over. Take a long vacation for seven days and celebrate a happy reunion. Have a happy holiday?

If the old wine is sealed for a longer and more mellow, a short blessing can open the altar cover to taste the richness of the wine; friendship is like a red sun silently paying for nothing, a soft greeting is a warm sunshine. Happy Chinese New Year!

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