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The person I admire most

The person I admire most is the cleaner. I only saw her, but her image, the spirit of serving the people, was like a sharp knife in my heart, which gave me a deep impression. In her body, I have learned a lot about the truth of life. The person I admire most is the cleaner. I only saw her, but her image, the spirit of serving the people, was like a sharp knife in my heart, which gave me a deep impression. In her body, I have learned a lot about the truth of life. When I saw her for the first time, it was on the way to school, when there was heavy rain. Everyone on the road was wearing a raincoat, holding an umbrella and hurried home. At this time, I saw a person next to the rubbish at the door of my house. There is a person who cleans up the garbage there. Who is there? Should such a big rain be a cleaner? With questions, I walked over. I saw a face full of dusty aunts, wearing a ragged raincoat, she cleaned the garbage very seriously. I was shocked. I grew up from a young age. I have never seen a cleaner who can clean up the garbage so badly under such a heavy rain. He held the shovel in his left hand, and the right hand took the cockroach, swept the garbage into the shovel with a hoe, and clamped the shovel with a hoe; then used a shovel to "send" the garbage into the garbage truck. I couldn't help but ask: "Auntie! You are still cleaning up the garbage in such a big rain? It will be good to pull it again tomorrow." At this time, Auntie wiped the rain on his body and hit a "Haqiu". what! She caught a cold because of the rain! She picked up the cockroach and said to me when I cleaned the garbage. I said to me in a hoarse voice: "No! If I don't clean up this garbage today, then there will be more bacteria to breed. It’s so sweet, so you will be affected, and it will affect the city!” After listening to her, I asked: “But you have a cold! You have to be healed!” After listening to me, she seems to have just Think of your own illness. Laughed and said: "Nothing! My cold is only related to my own health. Cleaning up the garbage is related to everyone's health. You said that everyone's health is important to the health of a person? Of course, everyone's health is important! So, I I have to clean up some garbage before going to see a doctor!" After that, she picked up the shovel and shovel and continued to work. I was stunned at this time. Some people look down on them because of their occupation and their low status. Because they are dirty, they will avoid them when they see them. In fact, how great they are. If there are no cleaners in the world, then the streets are full of rubbish. At that time, the smell is soaring, the earth is like a garbage dump, is it beautiful? The earth can be so beautiful, they are indispensable. The cleaner worker was just like that. When she caught a cold, she thought of everyone’s health, not herself. Some people always look at them with a discriminatory eye and say that they are useless, but they have no complaints and still seriously clean up the garbage for us. On this rainy day, in this inconspicuous corner, almost no one will find this "urban beautician", and no one is here to praise her, but she still makes extraordinary achievements in that ordinary post. Her spirit is very admirable and it is well worth learning. Since then, I have never seen her again, but his spirit has inspired me. It tells me that people live in the world to contribute to themselves and everyone. I admire her very much!

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