Work report > conclusion report

Topic report

For a research project, writing a final report is the last program of the subject research.

How to write a final report? Although the research methods are different, the specific writings are different, but from the basic format, they still have certain rules to follow. In terms of its structure, the general structure of an educational research report is:

1. The title of the research report

The title of the research report is the research report of the topic. Such as "National Primary School Mathematical Thinking Ability Training Report"; ""Successful Education" Experimental Report"; "'Harmony Education Experiment' Staged Research Report"; "'Chinese Language Teaching Thinking Training' Experimental Report"; "Using Audio-visual Education The media optimizes the classroom structure and promotes the realization of teaching objectives---the national TET model experiment report of classroom teaching" and so on. Generally, the name of the research group or the research report writer should be clearly written under the title.

2. Research questions

The question is actually the beginning of the research report, like the function of "introduction". The main content of this part is to write clearly the research purpose, research background, value and significance of this topic, as well as the main achievements and current status of this topic at home and abroad, and to study the problems to be solved and the theoretical framework of the research. In this part, it is necessary to analyze clearly what the research hypothesis is. If the terminology is clear and testable, and the subject hypothesis should be fully demonstrated, of course, you can refer to the relevant content in the project application report.

3. Method of research

In this section, the method chosen for the research of this topic is mainly stated. include:

According to the characteristics of the subject, which research method is chosen.

The sampling method, quantity and condition of the research object. The sampling method is required to be scientific, and the sample size is appropriate and representative.

The study design was determined according to the research method chosen.

Clear operational definitions. That is, a clear definition or explanation of the related concepts involved in the research of the subject is made to make the research more operable.

Clear, specific measurement methods and statistical test methods are given for the variables of the study.

A control method is given for the irrelevant variables of the subject research.

The specific implementation of the project. That is, study time and steps.

4. Results of the study

The “Project Research Results” section is the most important part of the entire report. A well-written report is well written. Can it comprehensively and accurately reflect the basic situation of the research of the subject, so that the research results of the subject have the promotion value and reference value? It depends on how the specific content of this part is written. Generally speaking, the content of this part of the text should account for about half of the entire report.

The expression "part of the research results" should pay attention to three issues:

First, don't just talk about practical results or theoretical results. The research results of a final report should include two parts: theoretical results and practical results. A lot of conclusion reports are the result of the research: We have opened several open classes, observation classes, published many papers, won the first prize, and published several articles in the CN publications and those compilations. The article, how many students participated in the competition won those awards. Or, through research, what improvements have been made to students’ academic performance and learning ability, and what improvements have been made to the level of scientific research of teachers. Are these research results? It is the result. But it is only a result of practice. A final report, such a statement, is not enough. Because of such statements, others can't learn from your research results, and such research results have no reference to promote value. The value of reference and the value of promotion are often reflected in the theoretical results. Some comrades believe that there is no theoretical result in our research. actually not. The theoretical results we are talking about are new ideas, new understandings, new strategies, new teaching models, and so on. These new ideas, new understandings, new strategies, and new models are often closely related to the results we have achieved in the “research goals” or “research content”. For example, the research goal determined by the research topic of reading and teaching is: to study and construct a new mode of reading teaching with subjectivity, openness, effectiveness, experience and creativity, and to stimulate success. The basic principles, basic operating procedures and common operating procedures that the model should follow and the basic teaching strategies for the effective deployment and operation of the program." Then, in the "research results", specifically state what the new model is constructed, as well as basic principles, operating procedures, basic teaching strategies, and so on. These are the theoretical results of research, and such research results can be used for reference and reference.

Second, the statement of research results should not be too brief. Some topics have written many academic papers during the research process. These academic papers are part of the main results of the research. In the "Research Results" section of the final report, the main points of these papers should be refined and summarized. Some conclusion reports are such statements: the research results are detailed in what papers. It’s just that such a statement is not acceptable. If a topic is divided into several sub-topics, the results of the research on the sub-topics should be refined and summarized. In refining and summarizing, care should be taken not to simply list the main results of this sub-topic, what are the main results of that sub-topic, but to summarize the main research results of all sub-topics and summarize the points. At the same time, it should be noted that the research results of these sub-themes must reflect the identified research objectives. The article you are browsing is organized, and the copyright belongs to the original author and the original source.

Third, the research experience or research experience of the subject should not be stated in the "Research Results" section. Generally speaking, after a research project has passed the acceptance test, the research team needs to summarize. This summary, we must summarize the experience of the research, and talk about the experience of the research. In the final report, don't state the two aspects.

The results of the research are the main part of the research report. This part requires an objective and realistic analysis of the materials and data of the research, both qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative analysis is actually the inductive analysis and logical analysis of the collected data. Therefore, in the qualitative analysis, the subjective judgment of the researcher should be avoided, and the facts obtained by the research should be mainly stated. The purpose of this is to bring the reader's attention to the discussion of the results of this study in the next section. The reliability test for qualitative analysis can be calculated using the formula: In the process of quantitative analysis, the results of the relevant data obtained during the research process should be listed through statistics, analysis and inspection. It can be expressed in the form of a graph, and should be represented in the form of a graph as much as possible, and the chart requirements should be clear. Reasonable, so that the reader can see at a glance. In the quantitative analysis, it is mainly 1 to calculate the average, median and mode of the data, to determine the degree of concentration trend of the data; 2 to calculate the variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variation to determine the degree of dispersion of the data; 3 to calculate the standard score to judge The relative position of the research object in the group; 4 Calculate the correlation coefficient to determine the degree of correlation between the two variables; 5 Use statistical tests to analyze and identify the results of the study. Regarding the inspection and analysis of data, there are mainly: z test; t test; f test; test, etc. For the methods of various tests, refer to the relevant educational statistical analysis books. Information that is not the result of the data, but that is valuable to the research results, such as the behavior of the subject, is also listed in this section.

5. Discussion section

This part is to explain the statistical results of the data, to clarify what the data describes, and to analyze and evaluate the results and significance of the research. Here you can explain your opinions or opinions about the results of your research.

6. Conclusion section

The conclusion part is to give an answer to the problem or subject hypothesis being studied, and to ask for conciseness. In this part, it is also possible to point out the problems to be solved in the study.

7. References and appendices

In this section, the source of the information cited or mentioned in the research report can be indicated for the source to be checked by the reader. The format of the reference material is generally:

1 If it is a journal material, indicate the author's name, article title, title, and issue number.

2 If it is a book, indicate the author's name, title, publisher's name, publication time, page number, etc.

Materials needed for the conclusion

The conclusion of education and scientific research is the summary of the work of the whole subject research and the identification of the research results. What materials are needed for the completion of an educational research project? Generally, the following materials are required:

1. Final application report;

2. Project application report;

3. Notice of project approval;

4. Staged summary of the research;

5. Project research final report;

6. Attached files:

Project achievements;

Research materials related to the subject.

Review the material

After receiving the finalized materials submitted by the project, the expert group will review the completed materials. Generally speaking, the expert group mainly studies the research topics in the materials, including the following aspects:

What is the significance of the topic selection;

Whether the research design of the subject is scientific and reasonable;

The research process of the subject, including whether the management process is scientific;

Whether the research method of the subject is correct, especially whether the collection, control, data and data collection of variables are scientific and sufficient;

What are the research results of the project, especially whether there are sufficient data and materials to explain and demonstrate the results achieved, including qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and the value of the research results of the research;

What are the characteristics of the research?

What problems still exist in the research of the subject, and suggestions for further research on the subject.

After completing the above aspects, the expert group can request a conclusion meeting. The expert group should generally review the materials one week before the opening of the argumentation meeting.

The agenda of the final meeting is as follows:

1. The expert group listens to the brief explanation or brief introduction of the research project by the research team, and can also supplement the explanation materials.

2. If necessary, the expert group can also attend classes or check the relevant departments to verify the relevant data. Small teachers, student symposiums, lectures, etc. can also be held.

3. After the expert group completes the lecture or holds a small symposium and listens to the brief introduction of the research group, the research team can be asked to answer questions about the subject research.

4. After completing the defense meeting, the expert group convened a meeting to further discuss the evaluation of the results of the project.

5. The expert group announces and submits the evaluation results of the research results of the research to the research group. The evaluation results of the expert group can be used as the basis for the evaluation of the results of the research, and can also be used as the basis for the relevant research evaluation.

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