兔年祝福語2023 sticker
兔年祝福語2023 Sticker如下:
1. "新的一年,兔飛猛進"(New Year, Rabbit Runs Furious)
2. "願你在新的一年裡,如兔子般快速且成功"(May you in the new year move like a rabbit and be successful)
3. "祝你在兔年裡,萬事如意,好運連連"(Wishing you all the best in the Year of the Rabbit)
4. "新年快樂,像兔子一樣蹦跳,好運連連"(Happy New Year! Jump like a rabbit and good luck be with you)
5. "兔年快樂,平安健康,一切順利"(Happy Year of the Rabbit, peace, health and everything goes smoothly)
6. "希望你在兔年裡,如兔子般跳躍,迎接新的挑戰"(Hope you will leap like a rabbit to meet new challenges in the Year of the Rabbit)
7. "新的一年,新的開始,像兔子一樣活躍"(New year, new start, be as active as a rabbit)
8. "祝你在兔年裡,如兔子般躍進,步步高升"(Wishing you a year of leaping forward in the Year of the Rabbit)
以上都是一些簡潔明了的兔年祝福語,非常適合做成2023 Sticker。
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