* 辭彙:words,vocabulary,sentence,expression,idiom。
* 句子:sentences,clauses,paras,extracts。
* 常用短語:common phrases,idioms。
* 精彩的句子:wonderful sentences,interesting sentences。
1. Useful words and phrases: the better vocabulary you have, the easier it is to express yourself.
2. Sentences with structure: A well-structured sentence with correct grammar and sentence structure can greatly improve your writing ability.
3. Flow: maintain a smooth flow in your writing, making sure each sentence follows the previous one logically.
4. Interest: use vivid language and interesting details to make your writing more interesting to read.
5. Sentence variety: avoid using the same sentence structure repeatedly, vary your sentence length and tone to add variety to your writing.
6. Coherence and cohesion: pay attention to coherence and cohesion in your writing, ensuring that each paragraph and sentence relate to the main idea of the essay.
7. Idioms and expressions: use idiomatic expressions to add color and flavor to your writing.