Reading famous words

Reading makes us go further

1. Spending money is a corrupt property, and vain the years is a corrupt person, more serious than the former.

2. When people are outside the mountain, they feel that the mountain is very small. When people enter the mountain, they know the depth of the mountain. So, don't underestimate a thing when you don't understand it.

3, do not go into the water, can not swim for a lifetime; do not sail, will not hold the boat for a lifetime. This is the importance of practice.

4, do not climb a rugged mountain, do not know the flatness of the earth. If there is contrast, there will be recognition.

5, knowledge will not be used, just like farming but not sowing.

6. If you don't combine with the actual study, the knowledge you learn is just a cloud of the sky, which is useless.

7. You stand outside the forest. If you don't go in, you can't fully understand the forest.

8. When a wise person hears it once, he will think about it ten times; once he sees it, he will practice it ten times.

9. Dance swords are one thing, and combat is another.

10. Children who often leave the house know more than their parents know.

11, do not eat will feel hungry, not reading will make people ignorant and empty.

12. Don't move forward, don't know how far the road is; if you don't study hard, you won't understand the truth.

13, the tree is not repaired, it will not be straight; if people do not learn, there will be no knowledge.

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