Reading famous words

The latest collection of famous quotes

1. The way to double happiness is to share your happiness with others.

2. In happiness, people are designers and need to design their own happiness.

3. The greatest satisfaction in life is to believe that the world is beautiful and that human beings are kind.

4. Don't let suffering cover your throat. We must grasp the lifeblood of fate and cannot yield.

5, failure, don't be discouraged, because even if we lose everything, tomorrow is still in our hands.

6, first have perseverance, and then have a great goal.

7. Ordinary people work day after day, and great people are constantly creating.

8. Suspicion is the first step toward truth.

9, can not be a slave to the book, but should be the master of the book, let the book obey our will, for us to use.

10, we must continue to absorb useful and useful knowledge like a sponge.

11. Being unsatisfied with oneself is one of the characteristics of a wise man. A self-respecting person is an ignorant brother.

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